Friday, 29 September 2017



L- language 
I- industry/institution
A- audience 
R- representation 

Language- what type of media is it? Codes and conventions, media texts follow the same rules depending on what kind of media platform they use.
Industry/Institution- This is who makes the media texts. The institution can be a large company like Warner bros. Pictures or small company like working title. 
Audience-This is who the media is made for. Some  believe that the media can manipulate us, others believe that the audience can manipulate the media. 
Representation- This is more about stereotypes and genres which represents people in the media.

Hypodermic needle theory

Albert Bandura- Hypodermic needle theory

  • Albert Bandura OC is a psychologist who is the David Starr Jordan Professor Emeritus of Social Science in Psychology at Stanford University
  • The idea that the media implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly. The idea the audience acquire attitudes, emotional. 
  • This passive audience is immediately affected by these messages. The public essentially cannot escape from the media's influence.

Cultivation theory

George Gerbner- Cultivation theory

The cultivation theory, also known as the Drip, Drip theory, is the idea that exposes to repeated to patterns of representation over long periods of time can shape and influence us. Cultivation is a positivism theory, meaning it assumes the existence of objective reality and value-neutral research. A study conducted by Jennings Bryant and Dorian Morin (2004), which surveyed almost 2000 articles published in the three top mass communication journals since 1956, found that cultivation analysis was the third most frequently utilized theory, showing that it continues to be one of the most popular theories in mass communication research.  

Monday, 25 September 2017



  • Demographic- A way of categorizing the population by age/money/occupation 
  • Psycho-graphic- A way in categorizing the population by personality. 
  •  Semiotics- This is how read images and pictures in an attempt to make sense of what they mean to us. 
  • Intertexuality- Where one text hints at another. 
  • Eyeline match- is a film editing technique associated with the continuity editing system.
  • Hybrid Genre- this is a mixture of genres. 


Mise en scene

  • a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame. 
  • ... is a made up of visual information in front of the camera 
  • ... communicates essential information to the audience about setting (time and place) and characters.
  • ... is made up of 5 elements- Settings and props, Costume, facial expression, lighting and colour, positioning of characters/objects within the frame. 
This can be put in an anagram called CLAMPS: 

L lighting 
A audience 
M makeup
P props
S setting 
These all can be linked to every single scene a film ever. 

Framework- Audience

Media Framework- Audience

Audience is anybody who consumes media. 

Financial demographic profiling: 

A- Higher management, bankers, Lawyers, Doctors. 

B- Middle management, Teachers, Creative and media people. 
C1- Office supervisors, Junior management, nurses, specialists, WHITE COLLAR JOBS
C2- Skilled manual workers, plumbers, builders, BLUE COLLAR JOBS 
D- Semi skilled and unskilled manual workers. 
E- Unemployed, students, pensioners, causal workers. 

Steve Neale

Steve Neale- Media Theorist 
  • How much is conformed to its genre's individual conventions and stereotypes. A film must watch the genre's conventions to be identified as part of that genre. To offset financial risk of film productions by collateral against innovation and difference.
  • How much a film subverts the genre conventions and stereotypes. This film must subvert conventions enough to be considered unique and not just a clone of an existing film. This is to guarantee the pleasure and meaning for the audience.  
Steve Neale's theory can work with Christian metz theory as both theories suggest that texts within genre have simiarities and differences. Although, Metz's theory does suggest that each genre has a timeline which the texts follow, whereas Steve Neales theory remains in the film makers being innovative when creating their texts. In conclusion both texts believe that genres do not always stay the same they change over time  as new ideas come to light.

Stuart Hall

Reception theory- Stuart Hall 

With Stuarts theory it states that with every piece of media there are 3 given readings that are either the preferred reading, the op-positional reading and the negotiated reading. 
Preferred- This is what the creator of this media wants the audience to view the media. 
Op-positional- This is the complete opposite reading that the creator of the media did not want you to get from it. 
Negotiated- This is where the audience understand what the preferred meaning is but they would personally put it as their own idea.  

Friday, 22 September 2017

Analysing images

Task 1:
1- A science fiction film would be set outside of earth, either on another planet or on a space ship. The props used would be futuristic laser guns and lots of futuristics technology like holograms.
2- A romantic comedy would be set in paris because it is known as the love capital of the world. the props used would be things that would connote love, like roses and chocolates.
3- A horror film would be set in the woods or an abandoned house because this would make people have fear of what is there. The props used would be a knife, a chainsaw and maybe a head and a lot of blood.

Task 2:
1- In this first picture they look as if they are interested in one specific thing which has caused them confusion. They also look like they are trying to hide from something.
2-  The one on the right looks as if he is in pain because his hand is in a bandage. The one on the left They also look like they are trying to hide from something.
3- The man in the middle has his hands by his side to show that he has authority around these men and the people around him have their heads down which connotes that they are taking instructions.

Task 3:
1- Their body language in this photo shows that the women in the image has her arms folded and her legs crossed connotes that she is annoyed with the man on the left. Also the man on the left has his hands kept together which represents him as having being in an awkward situation.
2-In this image there is a single axe in a wooden plank so it has obviously been thrown into the wood.
3- The two men are standing side by side which shows that they are ready fro action. They also have two gun props which look very futuristic so it is safe to say it is a sci-fi film. Also the camera angle is a low angle shot which shows that the people in this image are in a state of authority.
4- The next image is the poster for a film called Riddick which is also a sci-fi film. The way that Vin diesel standing in the distance looking towards the ground but his body is facing away from the camera. This is gives him an empowering  look to him.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Genre Photos

This is a family photo, The idea of family is represented by the light colours to create a happy atmosphere with a loving family.

This is a horror genre photo. The connotations of a horror can easily be seen by the villain in the center of the image. Also the outline of the photo has had a black shade effect put on it to create a scary atmosphere.  

Outro- NF

NF's music video "Outro" is one of my favorite videos ever because it has an extremely deep meaning. The genre of the song is rap which you can tell as soon as soon the song starts and you here NF start singing.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Genre Definition- A theme or style of media. A way of defining a type media through clear conventions. E.g. Horror film, Political music video's and fashion magazines. 

A hybrid genre is a genre which has been mixed with another type of genre.

D- Describe 
I- Industry- Institution 
S- Settings 
T- Themes 
I- Iconography 
N- Narrative 
C- Characters 
T- Textual analysis of mise en scene 

Mise en scene: 
C- Costume 
L - Lighting 
A- Actors 
M- Makeup 
P- Props
S-  Setting 

News Values

C - Continuity: Stories that are already in the news continue to run and are updated   U - Unambiguous : Stories that are easy to understa...